Our History

Our history is more than just a timeline – it’s a testament to the resilience, dedication, and unwavering spirit of our community. From humble beginnings to significant milestones, each chapter of our story is woven with threads of compassion, hope, and the shared belief in the power of humanity. Join us on a journey of reflection, gratitude, and inspiration as we celebrate the moments that have defined us and continue to propel us forward in our mission of making a difference, one life at a time.

Our Background

When Evangelist, Mrs. Blayson Fagbodun was a teenager, she took part in church activities. She worked alongside missionaries to start churches within local communities. She also served as a choir leader and a regional director for young Christian women. Besides, she volunteered to feed the hungry and visit the sick in hospitals. She was later employed by the “United Nations and Save the Children Funds” to attend to the medical and social needs of marginalized and disenfranchised refugee populations. As she served in these capacities, she was moved with compassion and found joy within her spirit while making a difference in the lives of these people. By the virtues of her calling for God’s people, she diligently worked in the Lord’s vineyard meeting the spiritual and physical needs of God’s people.


Becoming reluctant after some years, the Lord reminded her in August 2020 that His call is irrefutable, therefore, to bring her back to His plan, He confirmed this by a revelation in a deep sleep which bothers her conscience to take action. God’s revealed to her that evangelism is His heartbeat, because mankind is lost, and needs to be redeemed from sins. Based upon this, after thorough prayer and direction from the Lord, the Christ Ambassador’s Christian Foundations International Group INC. was established as the manifestation of the call. She believes that in providing spiritual food for the lost souls, their physical, psychological, and well-being should accompany the preaching of the gospel, which is the matter of shepherding God’s people ”Shepherd My Sheep, John 21:16”. This call has sprung up In the USA, Las Vegas, Nevada. In light of Acts 1:8 that the gospel should be preached from Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth, she prays for CACFIG to expand globally as the needs arise.

As a follower of Jesus whose own ministry serves as a blueprint for effective Christian ministry and evangelism, CACFIG believes in Gospel preaching and charitable works which are very essential. With these in mind, CACFIG is a multifaceted Not-for-profit organization that is aimed at transforming lives through prayers, and through the distribution of food, affordable healthcare services, and other necessities to the underprivileged, impoverished, and destitute communities. CACFIG is hoping to expand the great commission to other parts of the world as more funds become available through fundraising programs, donors, sponsors, and our valued partners. After all, the Word of God says that “But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

(Luke 14:13- 14).