Who We Are

At the heart of our worldwide ministry lies the transformative power of humanitarian action, reaching millions with compassion and hope.

Stories of Resilience: CACFIG's Impact on Homeless Populations

Christ Ambassador's Christian Foundations International Group INC.

At the heart of Christ Ambassador’s Christ Foundations International Group (CACFIG) beats a relentless dedication to transforming lives and igniting hope. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization rooted in Christian values, we are on a mission to uplift the most vulnerable among us—our homeless populations, orphans, underprivileged, and unaccompanied minors. With unwavering commitment, we strive to turn despair into opportunity, guiding individuals from a place of hopelessness to one of empowerment and service within our community.

7+ years of service

45 community centers

6 countries

What We Do

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Will you change a
life today?

Every action we take, no matter how small, has the potential to change a life. Whether it’s lending a helping hand, offering a listening ear, or simply showing kindness and compassion, we all have the power to make a positive impact in someone else’s life. So, will you join us in changing lives today?

Give Time.

Share your time, share
your love for community

By sharing your time and embracing a love for community, you’re not just giving; you’re creating a ripple effect of positivity and change. Together, let’s harness the power of collective action to build stronger, more vibrant communities where everyone can thrive. Your contribution, no matter how small, holds the potential to create lasting impact and inspire others to join in our mission of compassion.